The other day I felt like trying something new with my sketching so instead of using a pen to draw I grabbed a bunch of brushes and some walnut ink. I like the way it layers like watercolor and the sepia tone is really nice. But what to draw? I remembered a yummy looking recipe I saw in my new issue of Sunset Magazine and thought that would be fun to try. I liked how the buns were all lined up in the pan with their little icing Xs on top—it made me think of a game of tic-tac-toe. Plus I could use write out some of the ingredients, that would be fun.
After I painted all of the pieces, I scanned them into Photoshop where I rearrange everything and added the color and fabric. I like the combination of the sepia walnut ink and the orange—I thought about adding more, but liked the simplicity of just using two colors.